Ridge Racer 64 brought Namco's arcade/PlayStation racing series to a Nintendo console for the first time. Releasing between R4 and Ridge Racer V, it includes tracks from the original Ridge Racer arcade game as well as the PlayStation sequel, Ridge Racer Revolution. (I never played either, though I did enjoy Rad Racer and Cruis'n USA as a child.) It's a fun game, if you like old-fashioned arcade-style racing. The racing formula found in many other games holds here: you choose one of four cars, its color, automatic or manual transmission, then a track to race on against computer-controlled cars. Cars are rated on four stats: speed, handling, acceleration, and grip. You can also play multiplayer (up to 4) with split screen. Courses are arranged as three sets of three. The three starting tracks are a cityscape (the short track from the original arcade game), mountains and valleys (the easy track from Ridge Racer Revolution), and a new track called Renegade set in the desert o...