The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap is the fourth handheld Zelda game and the only one set in Hyrule. Like the twin Game Boy Color games, Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages , Nintendo outsourced this game's design to Capcom. As with those Oracle games, Capcom nailed it. The central gimmick of Minish Cap is that a magical hat can temporarily shrink Link to a miniscule size. Dotted throughout Hyrule are strange portals at which Link can change size by pressing R. While tiny, Link converses with little people called Minish or Picori, whom only children can see. He can't cross any kind of obstacle, such as roads, raised floors, grass, or shallow water. As a result, shrinking is always limited to a small area; once Link has accomplished whatever he needed to do, he must enlarge himself. Little doors and passages enable puzzles, such as going through a little door to bypass a shut, full-size door, then pressing a button to unlock that door. The Minish Cap is heavy on puzzles (simi...